Ophelia | Teen Ink


June 1, 2021
By marilynatropos BRONZE, Richland, Washington
marilynatropos BRONZE, Richland, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh, Ophelia,
You were never meant to survive.
Passive till your death,
as you were meant to be.
You were trained to use female ways to get around life,
Yet you are criticized for using them to your advantage.

Poor, sweet, naive Ophelia,
You were hanging your own funeral garlands at the brook.
Men weighing you down your entire life,
The water must seem softer than them.
The beautiful clothes now weighing you down,
But beautiful clothes you must wear even in death.

Unpure, nightmarish, insane Ophelia,
You have been hurt your entire life.
They call you all sorts of names,
But names don’t bother those who simply do not care anymore
How easy it must be to simply lose your mind,
How easy it must be to simply slip under the surface.

Oh, Ophelia,
There’s only asphodel left for you now.

The author's comments:

Dedicated to girls who understand Ophelia a little too well

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