The Mania Says | Teen Ink

The Mania Says

August 22, 2021
By Anonymous

i reach for the pill bottle,

a reminder of my broken-


i don’t know how much longer this clarity will last.

i wonder when my next episode will-

begin each day with a deep breath.

life is overwhelming, but i have to make the most out of-

it started when my father left me.

sh*t hit the fan and i lost all that made me-

happy thoughts flood into my clouded synapses.

i feel rejuvenated and freed from myself.

i don’t understand why my therapist said i needed help in the first-

place each dear moment within your heart

as souvenirs of beauty in a world so ruthless.

never forget those who have always stood-

beside your loving arms, was an enchanting rose garden.

aromatic and dizzying with your gluttony,

consuming all the good parts of me until i am left-

empty bones are the framework of my body.

i don’t even feel like myself anymore.

until the next episode devours what little i have left.

i become-

untouchable wounded skin,

fragments of this boneyard of a body.

i want nothing more than to crawl out of it.

goosebumps rise...

one for each tear I cried 

as i remembered what he did to me.

i want to feel the sweet release of-

death and change are the only things guaranteed in life.

that’s why you have to make the most out of what it-


is it so wrong to want to be in- 


is a dual edged sword.

how can i notice the blood it draws,

when my heart has been bleeding all this-

time and again,

i fall into the same trap my parents warned me about.

i never learn.

how can i keep-

going through the motions of life,

one step at a time,

is a path towards perfection i strive to-

living is the hardest part of life.

i realize every wrong decision shows signs of-

weakness is a disease.

infectious and insidious

coursing through my veins.

i can’t escape its-

hold onto yourself Hina.

face your struggles and stop running away.

i know it’s hard to-

focusing on the good is hard,

when all i can see is broken-

piecing myself back together is a metaphor i created,

to dehumanize myself in a moment of-

sadness is a familiar face

bound by wrought iron gates

breached by cascading dark thoughts 

drowning me entirely.

in my desperation, 

i stopped looking for the broken pieces.

i know i’ll just-

forgetting myself is just part of the journey.

the mania will kick in,

and i’ll lose track of all i did.

did i lose you? 

The author's comments:

This poem was written one night as I struggled describe to my family how bipolar disorder affected me every day. I utilized a contemporary free verse style to illustrate the juxtaposition between mania and depression. Additionally, it represents how my thoughts dramatically shift from highs to lows due to this disorder. My hope is that this poem allows people to understand the complexities of those struggling with bipolar disorder to destigmatize mental illness.

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