Day Serenade | Teen Ink

Day Serenade

November 4, 2021
By Anonymous

How the day mocks me in her serenade

In a bed of comforting lush and warm memories 

Lays the mangled fangs of death’s kiss 

On a twisted daisy veiled by fate


As if the universes would collide in the hush of night

The stars that leap across the cascade of the Milky Way 

Arose in a mist 

That quieted death’s kiss

Softly stole her away in mourning doves melody


Oh how lovely it was

The bronze laden horizon

How infinity seemed to reach out with elegance 


Her hands on threads of eternity

As meekly I stood in whispering willows

Awaiting the arrival of silence


The worlds ethereal glow

Why taunting do you sow

When the dull chilling cold 

Is met with old and familiar chords-


Of harmony and discord that reigns 

In this morn; a pain

Never before so twisted 

In the very sinews of my soul

Are left wondering in a haze of reality.


Peace be with you

And with your spirit

Floating in roses and daisies


May the last time light is to reach your eyes

Be one of hopeful sighs

As I watch you sink deeper

Into the days serenade

The author's comments:

Heyyy! I don't really know how this works because I just joined this website, but any suggestions or comments would be lovely <3 This piece is based on my own experiences, but mostly focuses on the beauty and pain of loss and how the world is seen in this moment. Much love!

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