Fill Me With a Story | Teen Ink

Fill Me With a Story

December 7, 2021
By pnh-13 BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
pnh-13 BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You are what you love, not who loves you." - Save Rock and Roll, Fall Out Boy

Fill me with a story.

Serve me noble characters on a silver platter

Sprinkle rebel princesses on top 

And all-mighty witches as allies, instead of foes.

Present to me a five-course meal

With bandits as an appetizer

And a secret, twisted plot as the main course.

Give me dessert in the form

Of legendary dragons made of cake batter,

And other mythical creatures as side dishes and garnish. 

Feed me the magic of fantasy and sci-fi

With unlikely protagonists and charming antagonists

And societies built on new and otherworldly grounds, 

Universes created completely from one’s mind.

Give me more, give me more.

Guzzling down gallons

Until I can’t stomach it anymore.

Until the wonder becomes boring and cliche,

Until the blue-purple sky in the fantasy turns gray.

Fill me with a story completely of your own creation;

Your own secret recipe.

And I assure you

It’ll feed me for months and months to come;

I shall never go hungry again. 

The author's comments:

This piece is written about my love for fantasy stories and all the wonder they bring to the world. 

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