Fall | Teen Ink


January 21, 2022
By ilovewriting12 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ilovewriting12 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As a fun and eventful summer goes, a magical fall is born. Everything about fall makes it almost impossible to feel sorrow. My soul is the air that turns cool and calm as seasons change. Leaves turn the same pigment of the flame that burns them in the backyard. The aromas travel gently through the wind as the days eventually get shorter. The comfort of knowing that tomorrow could be just as beautiful as the next is like my favorite sweater wrapped around my body on a chilly night. The time spent with friends and family is like no other, as is the adventures fall brings.

The author's comments:

The first stylistic device I used was a metaphor when I compared my soul to the cool and calm air that fall brings. The second stylistic device I used was showing not telling in the sentence, “Leaves turn the same pigment of the flame that burns them in the backyard”. Finally, the third device I used is a simile when I compare the “comfort of knowing that tomorrow could be just as beautiful”, to a sweater on a chilly night.

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