2022 Traditions Contest: Poker Night | Teen Ink

2022 Traditions Contest: Poker Night

January 27, 2022
By rachaelkim BRONZE, Buena Park, California
rachaelkim BRONZE, Buena Park, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting around the worn-out dinner table 

The smell of dinner still in the air 

As our eyes flicker around, examining each others’ faces

As if the cards we hold are written in our eyes


The cards, beaten and battered

With its folds and wrinkles littered across the elaborate red ink 

The colorful chips piled together in the center 

As our fingers play around with the chips we have left 

Raise 50.

I’ll call.

Dang it, I fold for this round.

We play to the death to pocket the $20 on the line

Family time? 


It’s game time,

Bring it. 

The author's comments:

Whenever my family and I linger around the dinner table after dinner, we always bring out our poker set. There's nothing that brings us together better than all four of us trying to bluff our way out of a horrible hand in cards. 

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