Reflective Rhinestone Necklaces | Teen Ink

Reflective Rhinestone Necklaces

February 2, 2022
By CelesteA SILVER, San Francisco, California
CelesteA SILVER, San Francisco, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From young to old:

My pink cowgirl boots-

splattered with mud from when I tripped over 

the extra inches in my shoes there are yet to fill in.

From middle to top:

Entangled rhinestones at my neck,

and smudged charcoal encircled inside

wide rimmed reflectives that enhance more than just my vision. 

In and out will the ink push through,

from a point to the delicacy of rough,

Patchwork that encases me.

Leaving hearts and moons,

and flowers at my fingertips.

From midway down:

on my shoe covered toes-

filled in by markers and names,

swirls and signs-

They are laced,

double knotted- 

All the way up,

No strings left untied.

So even when home is in sight,

and my bag slumps to the floor unharmed,

and my laces come undone halfway-

the ink still exists on my skin,

and rhinestones stay entangled at my throat,

caressing what layers of my neck are exposed-

there is a reflection encased in the jewel-

Your reflection. 

Incomparable to a physical being

because it is my heart that leaps with attained gaiety 

when I see you side by side with me.

Yet how lovely it would be to see my own reflection

In your rhinestone.

The author's comments:

Celeste currently lives in California with her cats, siblings and parents where she attends Ruth Asawa SOTA for Creative Writing. In addition to writing poetry, she enjoys fiction writing and being on the stage. She wrote her first fiction book in second grade. She also performs regularly (preCOVID) with the Youth Performer's Theatre, a Repertory Group that presents adaptations of classic children’s stories.

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