A Summer Day | Teen Ink

A Summer Day

February 24, 2022
By Logan_cf2025 SILVER, Stanton, Minnesota
Logan_cf2025 SILVER, Stanton, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is an early August day. It is hot and dry. You can hear laughter and shouts coming from down below. The splashing of water from people jumping in. The music of all sorts coming from an old speaker. The sound of pop cans being cracked open all day. The smell of pine trees with the small breeze. The sound of fishing line hissing off the reel; the sounds of excitement when someone finally hooks into one. Everyone clapping and cheering for that person. The sound of a boat engine starting up. The struggle of someone learning something new. The cheers when they finally get it. 

The joy of just sitting on a boat all day. Just doing whatever you want. Fishing, swimming, water skiing. Just enjoying the day. Then at night, you can hear the sound of bugs coming out. The crackle and pops of dry pine burning. The sound of even more laughter from people around the fire.. The line of a fishing reel hissing from the weight of big bait being thrown out into the dark. The smell of marshmallows being cooked over the fire. The crunch of gram crackers from being pushed together a little too hard. The feeling of no one worrying about day-to-day life. Just in the moment. Enjoying a relaxing time at a Lake.

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