When Nightmares Pay a Visit | Teen Ink

When Nightmares Pay a Visit

March 4, 2022
By Jingyuan_C BRONZE, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Jingyuan_C BRONZE, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When nightmares pay a visit

after nightmare-ish days,

with an unexpected sense 

of familiarities-

As all the evil creatures

chase me down my house's stairs,

 I flee out onto the streets

into dark gloomy airs-

Just as these dreams always were

for the one-thousandth time,

I'd pause, turn back, and look, and

feel the chills down my spine-

And see the ghosts and zombies

that awakes me from my sleep

But though misty mists, I found

emptiness extends far, and deep-

I sighed, sat down, and felt my

relief, with disappoints,

knowing it's the last time

that this nightmare will pay a visit.

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