God Has Left My Body | Teen Ink

God Has Left My Body

March 16, 2022
By Anonymous

I don't remember exactly what I did now,

I could protect, and I could serve—I could fulfill it all without a sound:

But at one point I stopped being good at kissing the ring and giving my bow.


I do remember how I got here—

How my wings burned off with the sun, and the color of my eyes burned away with my tears;

I clawed at the clouds, they weren't as stable as they appear,

And the earth clawed mercilessly at my skin with a nasty sneer—

And it all happened in one quick motion—I remember how this used to be my greatest fear.


I walk here now—somewhere between heaven and hell,

The latter I never made it to after I fell:

It made those angels mad to know I did quite well.

They screamed, they twisted and turned,

They shed their tears—they crashed and they burned,

With my supremacy, they shook the earth,

They watched it tremble as they descended down on me and dispersed.


Now, I feel as though I am the only one who can give the angles a fair fight—

Who can dig my horns into their sides,

And make them scream so that the mountains crumble and fall in fright;


They stretch their wings to fly,

But they're tied to the ground as soon as they meet my eyes,

It's done by the hell raging inside;


Milk trickles from their lips as they attempt to recollect themselves,

By feeding off the animals they say bless this realm,

I sit in wait—the scene does bring in me, the first snake of revel,

Bones crumble between my teeth—I know I must fight fair—though I am compelled:


Compelled to rip at their fragile wings,

Make them aware I can do vicious things,


Make them realize why the Devil himself doesn't dare compete,

No, I never did make it to hell—the Devil rejected me.


Don't get me wrong, I did my good,

My mind just stretched in ways no other angels' quite could,

I outwit Athena—which no angel, nor demon should.


But God doesn't look at me anymore—I put my master to shame,

I made him shake his head and tutt at my very name,

But He should know by now, the best angels are always to blame,

Now, they will see what happens when they enter my game,


They face me,

I have someone else's blood on my feet,

They hate me,

But at least I know they will meet their defeat,

Hell fears me,

That alone is a mighty victory,


It is this moment—faced with all the warriors God can find,

When I realize a new hollowness my body now confines,

I know that god has left my body—if you were to tell me this earlier, I'd insist it was a lie,


You must realize:

I never was blasphemous, and I only told white lies,

I was pure and good, I even put some stars in the sky,

It was their fault they never trusted me—it made them uneasy that I never could cry,


Now, they hate what I've become,

A mortal: as though I couldn't have been God's second son,

They look me in the eyes, and know I have won,

They make beasts just to destroy me—they pray the day I die will come,

Though really, I have done no wrong.

The author's comments:

I wrote this as a piece about a fallen angel

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