What is Love? | Teen Ink

What is Love?

March 18, 2022
By MyMy BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
MyMy BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" The key to life is success in your eyes"
-Mylia Danpollo-Thompson

Sunshine and rainbows, stars our eyes, a connection unexpected; it caught us by surprise. Chillin every day, and dreaming every night; our minds in the sky, like a high soaring kite. Hearts beating fast and butterflies in our body, walking and talking for hours has now become a hobby. Happy and full of life, sulking in the present; blind to future, and from this love would soon become the birth of a bad descendant.

Good turns to bad, laughs turn to crys. I love you, now I hate you;  Hellos become goodbyes.

The author's comments:

All love is good at first, but eventually it breaks, and you can either stay and put a happy face on, or face you fears and roam into the unknown.

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