There's Always More to Lose | Teen Ink

There's Always More to Lose

May 11, 2022
By GreatlyFantastic BRONZE, Lake City, Florida
GreatlyFantastic BRONZE, Lake City, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I put one foot in front of the other

Stricken with pain

For no one can help

Not even my dear mother

The more I walked the worse it got

Sounds like trenchfoot does it not?

Stabbing into my nerves like a knife

The biggest obstacle to the continuation of my life

For if I didn't move for the distant trench

My life would be the one to sit on the bench

As I neared that faithful ditch

A bullet ripped through my leg with a blistering pinch

The shots continued to fire

I came to the realization that my pastor was a good for nothing liar

I laid there as the ash and rubble fell

Encapsulated in a smoldering hell

I decided I would die

I would live 

Or at least I would try

I took a hold of my bravery

But somewhere along the way I had dropped my sanity


Inch by inch


For my emotions I was hauling

At last I had reached the trench and my aspirations had been fed

But all I had come to find were numerous dead

As I crawled and writhed through the ash and muck

My body becoming entwined and stuck

With each and every movement a corpse would twitch

Until the rats began to fill the ditch

The poured out of each and every corpse

Not one by one

But thousands coming from a seemingly endless source

I pushed through and the dugout I had reached

I fell and layed with aching and swollen feet

I had no more pep in my step

Nor any joy in my glair

For in the distance a yellow fog filled the air

As It crept toward me

Getting closer, and closer

Ever the more slowly

I fear this letter may be my last

For I shall be consumed by that blistering gas

If anyone is to find this letter

Send it to……

The author's comments:

This piece was my response to an assignment on life in the trenches during World War I for my U.S. History class.

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