Dear Little Me | Teen Ink

Dear Little Me

May 18, 2022
By brichards22 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
brichards22 BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear little me, 

Don’t wear heels to places with too many stairs. 

You’ll think you’ll be fine, 

You won’t. 

Don’t lick electric fences.

For some reason, your dad will remind you of this every time you drive past one.

Yes, every time. 

Don’t forget to water your cactus.

Just because it’s a cactus 

doesn’t mean it doesn’t need water.

Don’t stay.

You’ll wonder if you’ll regret it. 

It’ll be the best decision you’ve ever made. 

Don’t trust her. 

Mom was right, 

She didn’t change.

But her?

You’d better keep her around.

She’s special. 

You’ll know who. 

Sincerely, bigger you. 

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