June 2022 Poetry Contest: Sunburn | Teen Ink

June 2022 Poetry Contest: Sunburn

June 15, 2022
By s123 GOLD, Randolph, New Jersey
s123 GOLD, Randolph, New Jersey
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. you are your own voyeur -margaret atwood

Laid down for a nap

The energy that the sun can sap

Just for a minute...

Guess it was a bad idea, innit?

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This article has 1 comment.

Afra ELITE said...
on Jun. 17 2022 at 3:56 am
Afra ELITE, Kandy, Other
103 articles 7 photos 1824 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer must never be short of ideas."
-Gabriel Agreste- (Fictional character- Miraculous)

Reminds me of the beach!!!