once. | Teen Ink


September 19, 2022
By SIRIUZ GOLD, Gahanna, Ohio
SIRIUZ GOLD, Gahanna, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

As I lean against the wall you've put up in your heart

I put my ear on the surface and listen for any source of life..

and I hear a melody. 

A beautiful song that belongs to your voice alone
singing toons on the other side. 

But these walls are so high 

I fear if I clime over them

I will fall and when I land the music will stop. 

Because I too have a melody. 

A strain of lyrics that also belongs to you

But through this wall you cannot hear it.

You cannot hear ME..

You can’t hear the us I know this song can be

If only I could get through this damned wall

Love, we could be a symphony.

So could you let your walls down

And If not for the song..

For me..?


I’d put my soul on the highest volume for you

Turn the radio to eleven 

And let this anthem of our love bring heaven down to earth for you

Shakes buildings with sound for you

Bring down WALLS for you..

But can I bring down this one?

Can this song be enough…?

Please let it be enough.

I just want you to hear it 


The author's comments:

I write alot about love as an aroace person 

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