What Music Means to Me | Teen Ink

What Music Means to Me

September 27, 2022
By Ruff BRONZE, Cornell, Illinois
Ruff BRONZE, Cornell, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To me, Music is my everything 

Music is like a book 

the music is the illustrations

the lyrics is the writing created by the author 

Music is what I feel when I get up in the morning 

and the one thing listen to at night

Music also how I express my emotions

When no was there for me, Music was

When everybody ignored me, Music was there

I'd say I've give my favorite artist rapper NF 

or whose real name is Nathan Feuerstein

a big thank you

without his songs to help me through 

all the tough times

I don't think I would be where I am today

This is what Music means to me

and how it impacts my life 

Thank you NF!

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