Seasons | Teen Ink


September 30, 2022
By Johnny_Guitar GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Johnny_Guitar GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Fall is like a home-cooked meal, wafting through the door. It’s like a newly fixed car, refurbished and brought back to life. Fall is like a bonfire at night, a warm glow enveloping you and chasing away the cold. As fall turns to winter, the journey through the seasons continues to tumble along, a van on an uneven road. Winter brings about beauty of its own, the snow on the ground a symphony of nature. Hibernation sets in, chasing away the red noise of life. This noise returns, however, when spring starts to come about. The blossoming plants are like an orchestra of violins, foreboding the coming of summer. Summer is hot, a strong red that pulls the circle of the seasons together.

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