You are the Stars | Teen Ink

You are the Stars

September 30, 2022
By aspenflower PLATINUM, San Marcos, California
aspenflower PLATINUM, San Marcos, California
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The stars reflect in your eyes

As you watch the sky


I can name every constellation out there

But I’m not looking up


You turn your head slightly

And meet my gaze


Our faces break out with smiles

Yours lighting up beautifully


You go on to tease me

But all I can think about is you


The way the moon glows

And shines on your features


How your hair falls over your neck

dancing in the breeze


The way you cuddle into your hoodie

The one I gave you last week


How your hands play with the blanket

Grazing over any loose threads


You are so amazing

Someone so perfect


The stars are wonderful

But you are much more so

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