Extra Friend Forever and Always | Teen Ink

Extra Friend Forever and Always

October 13, 2022
By Anonymous

Being a friend to all, because maybe one of them could like who they are with me.
Being available, because making friend is about seizing opportunity.
Attending to so many half hearted conversations that my head could spin
Learned not to give my all to a person, so instead I
spread myself thin.

I’m the friend they go to when they’re out of choices
I listen to their problems, I hear the cracking in their voices.
Their many but what’s abundance when their gone once they find someone better,
more interesting,
Higher in demand.

People nod on the outside but it’s clear that they’re really shaking their head in so many ways,
hoping you’ll get embarassed to ask and they’ll leave you for days and days and days.

Safety options learn to reject those who are too good for them
and push away those who really care, and then
those who stay get tired
or fate puts us in different paths
Makes it clear that I can’t find friendship that lasts
For more than a year
It’s a curse and i fear
that it’ll never end.

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