Melancholic Peace | Teen Ink

Melancholic Peace

November 8, 2022
By aspenflower PLATINUM, San Marcos, California
aspenflower PLATINUM, San Marcos, California
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

November 8th, 2022

5:09 pm


Laying in bed under the covers

The lights are off- my room almost too dark

The window open only a foot to let the cool air in

The sounds of the wind in the trees and rain hitting the roof filling my room

I stare at my ceiling, not focusing on anything in particular

Songs are playing softly, the ones that make your sadness and loneliness feel less alone

The only thing in my mind is “I wish I could capture this moment exactly the way it is. I wish I could capture the things I see and the stuff I hear. I wish I could capture all of the feelings I have.”


I’ve been feeling so terribly alone to the point that im getting frustrated with everything

I’m confused on what’s happening in my life

But right now, in this exact moment, I feel a sense of melancholic peace

A careful yet desolate content

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