On Bleeding Hearts and Broken Souls | Teen Ink

On Bleeding Hearts and Broken Souls

December 17, 2022
By sameehasood GOLD, Faridabad, Other
sameehasood GOLD, Faridabad, Other
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Because you have my heart in free-fall,

and yet, how I long for the plunge.

Because I doubt my words could ever do your beauty justice,

and yet, how I long to paint you in them, you, my inspiration, my muse.

Because your love is a thousand knives staked through my still-beating heart,

and yet, how I long for that sweet, sweet relief.

Because my affection for you is like water filling my lungs,

and yet, loving you is breathing, innate, inherent, indelible.

Because I try so hard to push you out of my mind,

and yet, your presence lingers like the ghost of your lips on mine,

because nothing kills me more than you do,

and yet, no matter what I do, I will always love you.

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