The Dream | Teen Ink

The Dream

January 4, 2023
By Skletts BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
Skletts BRONZE, Holly Springs, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Just as I think hope is lost 

And that this is my fate 

All my fear is soon tossed 

And I feel the decrease in my heart-rate 

I see something running towards me

I am unable to run

I try to bend my knee 

It appears I've been outdone 

Not all I dream is fiction 

It resembles what I fear in my day 

It almost feels like a prediction 

But the happenings are far too cliche 

Sometimes my dreams will cut off

I will never know what happens next 

My alarm will scoff 

And I will wake up perplexed 

I’m met with people I know 

But their faces don’t match 

They confuse me I want to go 

But I am unable to dispatch 

In my dreams

The sky is silver and gold

Nothing is at it seems 

And I will wake up cold

The author's comments:

I'm a high school student currently in my freshman year. I chose to take a creative writing course this year, due to my growing interest in writing. This class has taught me so much and definitely helped to improve my writing inside and outside of school. I'm very passionate about my writing and I'm glad to have the opportunity to publish my work. 

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