What a band aid can't heal | Teen Ink

What a band aid can't heal

January 5, 2023
By Anonymous

What a band aid can’t heal

Growing up is like the strike of a lightning bolt.

fast and blinding.

Looking back, I wished it was better.

Sun as bright as warm candles filling my room.

Cookies warm like sunflower fields going on for miles.

Protection like a blanket to keep me safe.

I wished that was what it was like.


reality is hard.

Everyone around you is in a different world,

a better world.

A world that supports you.

A world that comforts you when things get hard.

But it's not like that.

The world will turn its back on you.

The world will take everything you own and tear it apart.

The world that will make you feel abandoned and deserted.

Feeling so alone.

Alone like the old sweater in the back of my closet that I don’t wear. 

Alone like a blazing fire dwelling lonely in a red brick fireplace.

Alone like a star, millions of light years away .

Alone like me.

The author's comments:

This poem is about growing up feeling like nobody understands you and how you wish things were different. 

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