Hope | Teen Ink


February 17, 2023
By ykmemma GOLD, Oak Harbor, Washington
ykmemma GOLD, Oak Harbor, Washington
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Maybe you didn't get what you wanted because you deserve more."
- Unknown Author

   hope: a feeling of expectation and desire for a     

    certain thing to happen

a very simple word

yet it happens to be the most powerful

hope can change lives, and it could save them       


    hope can never be lost

    1 million suicide deaths every year in the world

    they were lost, but never gone

    they gave up, but never lost hope

they took their lives; but never wanted to

    one man committed suicide at the golden gate 

bridge in the 70’s 

    he left behind a note that said, “i’m going to 

    walk to the bridge. if at least one person 

    smiles at me on the way, i will not jump.”

    this man’s hope was the last thing he carried onto

    just a smile could have stopped him from jumping

    a sense of hope was all he had left

    hope is the reason we’re all still here

    the slightest bit of it given

could save someone’s life.

The author's comments:

From personal experience, the idea of hope when having suicidal idealizations is significant. In this poem, I hope to bring awareness to suicide, and how you can help others and yourself. Hope can save your life. 

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