Tomorrow | Teen Ink


February 26, 2023
By Quaint_Quincy SILVER, Hutchinson, Minnesota
Quaint_Quincy SILVER, Hutchinson, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Light can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the light."
-Albus Dumbledore.

Tomorrow is the day that some of us dread

Why are all the answers just dangling overhead

Doing nothing but teasing



Tomorrow, I will live my life with impending haste

The day will most likely be cut, copy, paste

So why do some of us dread tomorrow? 

Is it because it might be filled with hurt and sorrow?

Or is it because it’s unknown, unfamiliar, unpredictable?

Unexciting, unfriendly, unruly? 

I don’t understand this, truly

Or is it because we know what’s going to happen?

Or that tomorrow is going to be mis-happen? 

Or things don’t often go as planned? Is that why?

Or is it because you’re afraid to look someone in the eye?

Afraid all your lies are going to spill?

Or that you have to take your pill?

Or are you afraid of life in general?

Or afraid that you have no potential? 

Or are you scared for a reason one can’t even begin to guess?

Or is it just because of all the stress? 

Are you even scared?

Perhaps you're embarrassed about something you didn’t mean to share?

Perhaps if you take a chance, you’ll find something rare.

Are you afraid to speak your fears out loud?

I don’t think you should, 

I think that having fears should make you more than proud

Proud to be alive

To be human

Love and respect for ourselves and others; that is what we need to relieve

You can be you

I can be me

But yet, tomorrow is still a day that some of us dread. 

The author's comments:

Again, I wrote most of this when I was in 7th grade. I added on and improved some parts recently, but for the most part, it's still the original poem. This was for my poetry club that I was in, and a lot of people that were in that class (who were very good at writing poetry and using metaphors) really seemed to like it, so I'm going to test the waters here. 

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