Childhood Game | Teen Ink

Childhood Game

March 6, 2023
By ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
ivaramos224 GOLD, Austin, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 3 comments

You told me it was just a game 

I believed you and so I played

“Don’t tell mom or dad”, you said

But now I think about it and it makes me sick

We were kids but you made me do it either way

You were a kid, how could you do this?

My memories were blurry but

Now I can see everything

You said it was normal and for you it was

But then it became my normal

I hated the feeling of being touched

Because of your game

You made me play and I became closed off to every touch

I blamed myself thinking it was my fault

I don’t blame you but I don’t blame myself either

I love you but not in that memory

You’re my sister and my best friend

But just not in that memory

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