The Cherry Tree | Teen Ink

The Cherry Tree

March 19, 2023
By e_mike11 BRONZE, New York, New York
e_mike11 BRONZE, New York, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Behind the cherry tree so fair,

I saw an eye that gave a scare,

A frightening orb, transparent and bright,

It pierced my soul, gave me a fright.

It watched me closely, never blinking,

With a gaze so intense, it left me thinking,

What secrets did it keep within,

What horrors lurked behind that skin.

I felt its power, its eerie might,

As it followed me through the night,

Its presence lingered, a haunting ghost,

A reminder of what I feared the most.

But in the daylight, I returned to see,

The cherry tree in all its majesty,

And though the eye still watched from behind,

I found solace in what I could find.

For beauty and terror can coexist,

And sometimes, it's the things we resist,

That hold the key to unlocking our fears,

And help us see past the tears.

So I embrace that terrifying eye,

And the cherry tree beneath the sky,

For in their union, I find a truth,

That sometimes beauty is in the uncouth.

The author's comments:

I was playing soccer in my backyard on a sunny day when I became frustrated with something I can't remember. I turned around to the cherry tree and my heart stopped when I saw a ghostly eye staring at me; I then collapsed to the ground as it vanished into the breeze. This seemed to me to be a calling of protection, but like the cherry tree, which only blooms in the summer, perhaps this was a portent of better times to come when my life will once more be lovely and filled with beauty.

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