The Garden Wall | Teen Ink

The Garden Wall

March 27, 2023
By razdevia SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
razdevia SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The earth has music for those who listen." (William Shakespeare)

Looking over the garden wall with a hope to find what was lost,

With a hope to see the blooming flowers,

And live in the beyond.

While looking over the tall far tree, i see a reflection,

Something that reveals the other version of me.

I jump over and stand tall, 

Looking straight at it hoping I wouldn't fall.

Its eyes are empty of life,

Body with no soul,

It looks oddly familiar,

I think I’ve seen it in the shadows, or in some endless black hole.

I wanted to run away, 

Far from this place,

It reminds me of sadness,

A place I chose to forget.

I began to climb the garden wall, without success; I fell right back, into that same dark place.

I think I would be trapped here forever, all alone,

With no hope for a brighter future,

No place to call home.

The author's comments:

this poem reflect my biggest fear; to go back to the person I was before, to feel the emptiness I used to feel, and not be able to know where to go or what to think.

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