To Be My Own Dream Girl | Teen Ink

To Be My Own Dream Girl

March 29, 2023
By Anonymous

To be my own dream girl
is to not care what he thinks
and to not try and look like her.
To love every corner of my body as if
it was painted by the finest artist.

No, not just my body.
to be my own dream girl
is to lay in a field of wildflowers
smelling each and every one.
Taking in the scenery and not wanting
to change any part of it for all
the colors are beautiful.

A brushstroke for every laugh
that makes its way out of my honey sweet smile
and every salty tear
fallen from my beautiful brown eyes.

To listen to my voice all day like
a melody to my own ears and to not think
it too much.
And to trust that I will always be

To be my own dream girl
is to accept the cold siren within my gaze
and compromise.
A wounded child who will be
loved by my dream girl.
Because the only love I need is my own.

To touch every white line on my body and not
feel the shame rush through me and instead
accept the learning process of life.

To be my own dream girl
is to be okay with not being his
and never being so.
For I entered this world alone and shall
leave alone.

And I may never be your dream girl,
but I can sure as heck be my own.

The author's comments:

So often people talk about the importance of self love, but it seems like an unachievable ideal. This is what I imagine when I picture self love.

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