You saved me, You | Teen Ink

You saved me, You

April 13, 2023
By shantinaellis16 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
shantinaellis16 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Those who don't hear must feel"

Food being at my beck and call,

Am I hungry for any of this at all?

Looked up and down nothing here seems to satisfy

Things of my normal life only seem too dull to find,

But you changed that,

You single-handedly brought light to my life and gave it meaning

You put a smile on my face and I could finally see the world in a colorful light

Your teeth when you smile, it shines so bright

Your happiness is so contagious, that I cannot deny

Your strength, your glow is like how an angel is described

Only heaven knows just how much you mean in my life.

The author's comments:

It is up to the reader who your "you" is.

To be honest I was indeed thinking about my hunger while writing this poem and it was more a glum way.

I can sometimes have such a way with words, and that is precisely why I have taken a liking to writing poems. You can write so much, hide so much, and express much more. More than writing reading them is fun too, it is almost always up to the reader how they perceive the poem. And sometimes it is up to the poet what they want the readers to perceive the poem as. And in this case, it is indeed up to the reader to choose

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