Poem: {To a lady I saw in a store some months ago} | Teen Ink

Poem: {To a lady I saw in a store some months ago}

April 18, 2023
By Anonymous

A sense of familiarity washed over me
as our eyes met for a split second.

There was stiffness in the way you walked,
still not taking away from your grace,

Fidgeting as you looked around,
I could only observe from afar.

I felt unexplainable comfort the moment I looked into your tired, sparkling eyes.

My heart sank.

A poor soul, crashed by everything you've ever known,

Fear and worry in your eyes,
you were confined by burdens I will never hear of.

My heart sank.

I know nothing
And you didn't deserve any of it.

You looked away, just as fast and I was left dumbfounded

I was silent on the way back home.
I shed tears in the car

Once I was back, I decided I'd write you a poem.

The author's comments:

I wrote this about a random lady that walked past me in a store a couple of months ago. I've got no idea who she is, but the look in her eyes was heart-breaking. I hope she's fine.


*This poem has also been posted on my personal Wattpad account.

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