10 Million Females, 1 Million Males* | Teen Ink

10 Million Females, 1 Million Males*

April 26, 2023
By makaylabutterfuss BRONZE, Ridgway, Pennsylvania
makaylabutterfuss BRONZE, Ridgway, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Disordered Eating, Self-starvation,

“Skip dinner and wake up thinner”

Words and thoughts that kill,

“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”

Society’s standards, so unfair,

Brainwashes children to be thin, 

The glorification of life-threatening diseases,

Children addicted to bodily praise.

A battle fought within the mind, 

Thoughts to be a model with the perfect body 

Why are we fighting our bodies for someone's standards? 

Food which was my friend at one point all of a sudden is nothing. 

Stomach rumbles for food, 

But I  fight  to ignore it,

Our health,

Our society, all seems lost in standards,

Words damage.  Why say,

“Stop eating so much” . . .  “ Why aren’t you eating?” 

They mess with the mind.

The scale becomes our enemy. 

Mirrors which once reflected happy faces,

Now show a child in tears,

Holding their stomach. 

 Family and friends just never understand.



*Eating disorders are a struggle for 10 million females and 1 million males in the United States.


The author's comments:

Hi! My name is Makayla Butterfuss and I'm a sophomore student at Ridgway Highschool. I love writing!

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