Sticks and stones | Teen Ink

Sticks and stones

May 1, 2023
By Rae-writez BRONZE, Prague, Oklahoma
Rae-writez BRONZE, Prague, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows the flowers, not thunder." -Rumi

sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me. 

But that is almost as far from the truth as it could be.

See sticks and stones might break my bones but broken bones can heal.

and sharpened words meant to cause pain can cause hurt so unreal.

words weasel up inside you like a real nasty disease.

and live, fester, and kill you, all because of someone's tease. 

the words cluster together and grow just like a tree.

they branch out, grow roots, fill you up, and make you want to flee. 

but you can't flee yourself, oh no, you're stuck right where you are.

you're body's here but mind is gone, among the leaves and stars.

you lose yourself among the words, they shape a brand new you.

but new's not always good for you, nor is it even true.

this fake new you, you learn to hate, and you wish death upon.

because these words had used you up until you were all gone.

so heed my warning word users, with your sharpened terms.

mabey one day your victim will be lying with the worms.

'cause words cut deep and cause you wounds that you will never mend. 

so I'd prefer your throw at me the sticks and stones instead. 

- By Aeriell "Rae" Betts

The author's comments:

I tend to doubt my writing alot, but this is a peice that I am very proud of and would like to share  

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