(depression) | Teen Ink


May 18, 2023
By a-small-rainbow BRONZE, Lander, Wyoming
a-small-rainbow BRONZE, Lander, Wyoming
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


eventually people stop knocking

eventually they don’t call

my phone dies and i let it stay that way

dead to the world,





the curtains are drawn - permanently now.

the dark is cool and comfortable

here, i am protected from the brightness of people’s voices

and from the sun


but as i lie here

i can’t help but wonder -

is this all i’ve ever wanted,

or all i’ve ever feared?

The author's comments:

i wrote this on a day when my depression was especially bad, and i felt restless and a little hopeless.

but the next day was bright and new, and i went for a walk in my pajamas and admired the morning flowers and listened to the birds.

i was gonna try to avoid sounding hopelessly cliché, but here goes:

it’s the little things that matter.

and every day there’s a little more to live for.

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