Sudden Despair | Teen Ink

Sudden Despair

May 21, 2023
By Anonymous

The glass broke

In a fall

As did my world in a drastic chaos

The door is locked ,

The key long-lost ,

The whole room shaking .

Things fall in a crash ,

On a dark soul ,

Wrapped in shrouds

And drowned in gloom

Yet a glimpse of love juts out , far away.

Hope reborns and sees the day ,

Shimmering like some light ,

In a foggy night .

Catch it ! It flees ,

Then there you stand,

Aloof , in the midst of darkness .


Oh God ! So much hate spread,

Tears shed,

Among Mankind .

What to do?What to say?


Live free from hatred ,

Forgive and forget .

Then a wistful regret of past things ,

May be left behind .

Heal your own world , do it for your kids,

For everyone you love , share the bliss.


One , wholesome , open-handed God

Will show the way and forgive your sins .

Then in vertue , and peace , and love,

You may shine ,

And glow like a star in a calm vernal sky .

The clue lies there ,

Waiting for a finder

The author's comments:

This piece of poetry has been inspired to me by a serie of moving events , and it  represents my own understanding of life

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