May 31, 2023
By Anonymous

This is the most difficult decision,
Feels like its me going on a deadly mission.
Break his heart or break mine?
For I know it will never really be “all fine”.
Seems like I am leaving a piece of me behind ,
For, a day without him would make me lose my mind.
“Helpless” is all I feel ,
But the main question is how do I really deal?

Staying with him , the sadness from my heart misses,
But the thought of having to see him with her, breaks my heart into a million pieces.
My bestfriend, all my firsts, my everything he is,
Why can’t this be over with just a little bit of ease?
They tell me maybe its for the best,
But how do I ever tell them,
He is the only one keeping me sane among all the rest.
Who knew the “forever” would be over so soon,
thinking about us all I can remember is your resemblance-‘the moon’.

Its the most selfish thing I’ll ever do
Still can’t help but think only of you,
Leaving is so difficult but staying will kill,
Wishing I could just keep you close, even if it’s against everyone’s will.

The author's comments:

The poem is a poem about two people, one who experiences love for the first time  and the other one being completely unaware of it. The former soon realises that this this is not destined to be and has to end. The first one of them are very close friends but they have to maintain a certain distance and act strangers for a while to get over the situation. The question which lies here is - will they ever be as comfortable with each other as they were before the temporary separation? and, is the one in love acting selfish by taking away the friendship as well?

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