feeling for you | Teen Ink

feeling for you

June 1, 2023
By Anonymous

This feeling feels so new to me

The way I feel so weak in the knees

Talking about you to friends or when you walk me to class

The way i just wanna scream

When we kissed for the first time 

Or the way you give me crazy butterflies


or when we hold hands 

I love how nervous you were before we held hands for the first time

Or when you spin me around to hug you

Or the way your hugs feel 

I've never felt anything like this.

but that also might be because this is my first WLW 

but its such an amazing feeling

that i never wanna let go of.

The author's comments:

my poem is about my first actual healthy relationship and how good it feels to finally have that special someone has made you feel at your highest.

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