Moving On From You | Teen Ink

Moving On From You

June 16, 2023
By SilverOrchids SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
SilverOrchids SILVER, Chicago, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"For most of history, Anonymous was a woman."

- Virginia Woolf

I’ve done it time after time

Broken my back for you

Stepped on eggshells that would always crack

Held my breath and bit my tongue

Given time and patience

Showed you love

Gave you space 

Given up the things I loved

Hid behind a screen of guilt

Guilt from the anguish

I had to convince myself

Was not from pleasing you

So you pulled petals from my flowers

And left dirt on my carpet

You broke what was not yours

And never showed remorse

So in the pursuit of your happiness,

Longevity, and peace of mind

I’m leaving

Leaving you on read

Leaving you to wonder

But more importantly

Leaving you to let you go

And be with them instead

I am not spiteful in nature,

So instead of wasting my time

On someone who did not care

I’m leaving


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