Thunderful Day to Swim | Teen Ink

Thunderful Day to Swim

July 20, 2023
By jamesrhee SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
jamesrhee SILVER, Atlanta, Georgia
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Droplets of rain bounce off the water 

above. The ripples echoing outward,

Like sun rays spreading throughout the sky.

My feet float above me, weightless

Like an astronaut helplessly floating in space.

Like the blood rushing to your head,

Then back down, as you do a flip.

Cloudy and Grey and Calm skies

Fill my vision. Blocked by convulsing bubbles,

Slowly dripping out of my mouth. I watch trees

Swaying back and forth, wind blowing between leaves,

Shaking and tossing them. The Water grabs the air

From My lungs, burning.

I watch as the last bubble

Drips out of my mouth and Floats to the surface,

disrupting the concentric circles formed by the rain.

Darkness envelops me, only the pulsing sound of

The rippling water is present. Droplets of water bounce off the surface

Above. I am an astronaut lost in space, waiting to awaken. 

The author's comments:

James Rhee is a writer who is passionate about writing as a powerful tool for change, growth, education, and identity. He is a junior and Writing Fellow at the Westminster Schools in Atlanta, where he is also a section editor for the school newspaper and is the upcoming editor in chief. His work has been published in the Kenyon Young Writers Anthology, Embryo, Evolutions, Veritas, and others. He is an alum of the Creative Writing Institute, IOWA Young Writers Studio, Kenyon Review Young Writers Workshop, Yale Journalism Symposium, and JCamp. His work has been recognized by the Scholastic Arts and Writing Awards. His literary works are centered around the powerful emotions created through various relationships, focusing upon capturing the feeling that is evoked through a snapshot during the relationship.

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