Alarm Clock | Teen Ink

Alarm Clock

August 10, 2023
By Rosh_Gopal SILVER, New York, New York
Rosh_Gopal SILVER, New York, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

F*ck this job!”, you yell to your boss as you quit your ridiculously boring job.

Your fellow employees cheer you on, as you walk


of the office 

towards a better, 

brighter future,

that you are just about to discover 


I wake you up with my ringing.

You groan and tell me to f*ck

off as you hit me on the head.

Your face looks tired, an empty 

shell of what used to be a human


Your steps are mechanical,

bones cracking like an old machine 

starting up again, as you walk 

towards the bathroom. 

I hear the slow creak of the shower turning on 

before it reluctantly comes to life.

The water turns on for exactly Ten 


again,    again,    again;

Every morning I see you wake 

up and do it again. 

You seem to

question if It is worth it 

every night 

when you go to reset me. 

The long hours,

the same office, the same old job that 

seems to suck the life out of you.


Yet you wind me up again, which 

reminds me that you will never

tell your boss to f*ck off or quit your job;

Like my ringing every 

morning, your life will always be

like a broken alarm clock; 


the same old

tune over and over again,    again,      again...

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