A Motherly Love | Teen Ink

A Motherly Love

August 22, 2023
By mayy_897 SILVER, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
mayy_897 SILVER, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To define is to limit"

like kitchen smoke with a hint of spices

this was what made her. Cheeks that tasted 

like 包子(bao), when i’d kiss them to greet her

she let me fall into her embrace

one that tasted of the fiery breath of 麻婆 tofu

a lingering aftertaste of star anise;

dancing against my tongue

her hands burning into my back. 

she embraces me, fingertips ablaze.

my skin, I feel it move through my veins

a pain so familiar, I almost miss it.

The author's comments:

My mom is someone whose generational divide causes a few arguments between us, however, not once in my life have I doubted her love for me and my love for her. 

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