Embrace Another's Sorrow | Teen Ink

Embrace Another's Sorrow

September 26, 2023
By racing-kid BRONZE, Petoskey, Michigan
racing-kid BRONZE, Petoskey, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

There may come a time

Where we must say a rhyme

To express our sorrow

Lest we leave it for tomorrow.

We push it away

Rather than let it lead us astray,

Or else our sadness

Would take our gladness

And lead it away.

A generous grandparent, a loving mom or dad,

Either one gone, and we all would be sad.

Embrace the feeling, let it guide your ways,

Don’t hide it, for that will darken your days.

Without those around us,

We would be alone with our darkness and despair,

But when they surround us,

They lighten the air.

So give kindness to those in need,

Let that generosity take the reins,

Lest you fall off your steed.

Embrace another’s sorrow,

Don’t let them deal with it tomorrow;

For alone we fall,

Yet together we are one and all.

The author's comments:

My Grandpa has been getting to a really bad condition lately, in and out of the hospital, and thinking about how this is affecting me and my family caused me to write this as a way to express my feelings in a way i hoped other people would understand.

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