My Time Spent Throughout the Seasons | Teen Ink

My Time Spent Throughout the Seasons

September 27, 2023
By 4allench SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
4allench SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In springtime, I spend most of my time with friends and family

We enjoy hanging out outside playing basketball and football 

We enjoy going golfing on warm sunny days

We enjoy preparing for summer 

We enjoy watching March Madness

In summer I spend most of my time with friends and family

We love to go out on Pewaukee lake

We love to eat dinner on the boat 

We love to travel around the midwest

We love going to get ice cream I usually get cookie dough

In fall I spend most of my time with friends and family 

We like to watch College and NFL football all weekend 

We like to reminisce about fun summer times

We like to take short trips around the midwest for sailing

We like to focus on school and work

In winter I spend most of my time with friends and family
We appreciate the holidays

We appreciate going skiing 

We appreciate ice skating and playing pond hockey 

We appreciate Christmas movies and music

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