i am | Teen Ink

i am

September 27, 2023
By AHSwriter24 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSwriter24 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
29 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am not someone who forgets important dates 

I am not someone who doesn't prioritize school 

I am not someone who likes change 

I am not someone who doesn't go to others for help 

I am not someone who sleeps past my alarm 

I am not someone who doesn’t value family 

I am not someone who is judgy towards others

But, I am not someone who is seen clearly.

I am seen as a dot on a population map

I am seen as one student, out of thousands at Arrowhead

I am seen as a reflection of my parents

I am seen as a clone of my older sister

I am seen as a humorous person

I am seen as an organized, driven student

I am seen as a happy, outgoing person 

I am seen as a confident person, performing on stage

I am seen as a social butterfly

But, I am just myself.

I am a constantly anxious person

I am a homebody

I am passionate about my work and family

I am filled with insecurities and imperfections

I am hurt from loss 

I am trying to keep my life private

I am always inquiring my mom for help

I am in constant compare with others

I am always worried about missing out

I am filled with fear for my future

I am heavily affected by divorced parents 

I am learning from my mistakes

I am an overthinker

But I am me, and I am trying my best.

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