remodeled | Teen Ink


September 27, 2023
By sparkleunicorn123 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
sparkleunicorn123 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was angry

I was moving houses and I was angry.

Emotions consumed my every word,

making it hard for the waves to crash lightly 

No one was safe, from the constant hurricane of obscenity that would fall out of my mouth.

Everything was moving too fast or too slow

Sorrow filled the air in an instant as the crucial holidays passed

While the memories of the beloved holidays faded, dead of winter stayed true moping around until everything froze and stayed lifeless.


summer came

I got a new job and had much time to reflect

So I did just that.

And realized the damages I had caused to my closest friends 

Who cannot be considered my closest friends anymore

I took in everything I had become and now no longer wanted to be that version of myself

I was filled with resentment so much that sleeping was inevitable 

I then understood change needed to occur

I have forgiven myself

I now think about my actions before displaying them

I now walk in others shoes

I now have goals and ambitions for the new year

I now feel responsible for all that I do

I now feel happy in the relationships I am in

You may feel I have changed for better or for worse

But I don’t care what you think

I Am different now

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