the healer | Teen Ink

the healer

September 27, 2023
By 5fingleton GOLD, Lisbon, Wisconsin
5fingleton GOLD, Lisbon, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I watch your life in pictures, the sky turns oh. so. blue.

Because I used to watch you sleep, I sit under a cloud of grey and weep.

I feel you forget me like I used to feel you b r e a t h e. Like a green cloud of envy fogging over me, making it harder and harder to s           e          e.


I watch you leave. Walk out. Where did you go? I feel oh so RED. Angry, hungry, and desperate for your love again. I miss your touch, pink, soft, and warm, like a big hug from my grandma at Christmastime.

Warm, soft, sweet cookies. The feeling of being loved. 

As the waves crash, I see you.

The blue-green sea, my favorite place to be

As I breathe in through my nose, I feel calm.

The sea salt taste in my mouth, 

My heart belongs to the south.

As the hot sun burns my skin, I feel content within

Within myself, there is peace by the ocean,

The waves crash, and life feels like it's moving in s l o w m o t i o n.

When I'm by the ocean, I feel at home.

No, I don't feel alone.

Alone is a feeling of despair

But when there’s sea salt in the air,

There’s no weight I can’t bear

I let go and breathe

As the world around me seethes

I am at peace

The ocean is like my release

It heals you, leaves you different than you came

After experiencing the ocean, you'd feel the same.

The warm sand, footprints on the beach

It’s happiness I otherwise couldn't reach

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