I Stole Her Reflection and Her Boots | Teen Ink

I Stole Her Reflection and Her Boots

September 27, 2023
By DrDollHead PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
DrDollHead PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am a collection of experiences

Atop the cliff, green as emeralds and soggy from the rain. I stand on the grass and feel as it hugs my bare feet. My hair blown about by the endless wind as the audience of fog circles us. She, whose hair much longer than mine and her skin like snow white, stands before me with her back to the edge. 

It feels as though we are at the end of the world and below is space yet with a voice screaming up at us. My brain too fuzzy and full of soda to understand what it is saying but I know that no matter what, it is best not to comprehend anyhow.

 I stare awkwardly at her with her white tattered night gown and long fingernails. Her eyes maroon and bloodshot like she had been crying but mercy is something I forgot at home. She manages to scream louder than the smashing shore below, begging for life, for forgiveness. But again, I had forgotten to bring such and so her pleas I ignore. 

Like a knight in shining armor I stand affront the beast, I slash and stab at the demon before me. To her knees she falls and her blood runs like egg yolk, the thought makes me hungry. I wouldn’t mind eating breakfast and although morning is hidden by the gray clouds overhead, I know the sun is rising. She whispers, “I love you” and I repeat verbatim and I know we both mean truth; however, her voice full of sadness and mine full of anger I ponder if such words I even have the right to say. 

I feel like seconds grow longer and the people in my past begin to blur. My world begins to darken and my memory has gone running. The shoes on her feet turn to ash as the rest of her follows suit. I didn’t  know beforehand that when you kill the mind inside of you, you destroy the only thing that loves you. So when all she wanted was freedom, I greeted myself with the end of my own life. My selfishness the better of me and in return all I am left with is a palm of my own tears and a crater through my chest.

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