Remember | Teen Ink


September 28, 2023
By Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
54 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Take that depression!" - Lucifer, Hazbin Hotel

You don’t remember me,

Do you,

It's not like I was the person who stayed by your side when everything sucked,

You say I stalked you by knowing where you live,

But you also know where I live,

Because it's less than 2 blocks away,

And you passed it everyday on the way to school,

But no,

You don't remember me,

Because even then you only did when people hurt you,

You came to me to pick you back up and make you strong,

Then you pushed me in the dirt while laughing,

And do you remember how I forgave you over and over,

Just for you to do it again and again,

You remember everything bad I did and nothing else,

But do you remember that airplane you gave me,

The orange one with black details,

Well now it still sits over my bed and has been for 4 years,

I remember you,

Do you remember me?

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