I Am... | Teen Ink

I Am...

September 28, 2023
By 5brunner GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5brunner GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a sister– guiding my sister through the parts of life I have already experienced.

I am a daughter– being guided by my mother through the parts of life she has already experienced.

I am a girl who tries her best during hard times,

a girl who puts on a smile even when it hurts.

I am a dreamer and have ambitious goals that I want to achieve someday.

I am a student– I try my best, but I still try to do better when my best isn’t good enough.

I am a performer– expressing my feelings and emotions through music.

I am a singer who constantly dedicates her time to improving and accomplishing my goals.

I am a friend who respects and always supports her friends no matter what they are going through.

I am honest, I like to be real with people.

I am a shopaholic, spending way more money than I probably

I am sometimes selfish, and I sometimes forget to think of others before myself. My sister often points this out as my worst quality. Even though she is younger, I still look up to her for this quality because

she is the most generous person I know. 

I am responsible, striving to avoid procrastination and I am much more relaxed when tasks are done.

I am independent, often being told as a child that I was mature for my age.

I am a granddaughter and I am thankful for the way I have been raised by them and my parents.

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