Sky's Painting | Teen Ink

Sky's Painting

October 19, 2023
By vinson_sherman GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
vinson_sherman GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I stand by Pewaukee lake, watching the sun go down, it's like magic happening. The sun's bright rays turn into amazing colors, from bright orange and vicious red to soft purples. It's as if the sun knows a secret and is sharing it with the world. 

As I keep my eyes on this beautiful show, I start to feel better. It's like all the worries and tiredness of the day are slowly fading away. The sunset makes me feel peaceful, like a gentle rain washing away my worries. The world seems so quiet, like everyone is holding their breath, and I feel like I'm in a deep, calm place. 

The colors in the sky mix into a beautiful picture of peace. The sunset, a painter making everything simple and lovely, just for that moment.

The author's comments:

Nature and the sunsets we see everyday inspired me for this piece.

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